Sådan passer du godt på din ruskindstaske

(English version only)


All of our suede leather bags are made of genuine Italian calf suede of highest quality. However, suede is a delicate, organic material and will therefore naturally change when exposed to weather and everyday use.


In order to keep your new suede bag beautiful and enjoy it for as long as possible, we have gathered a few tips and guidelines for you to follow.



Before taking your new suede bag into use, please use a spray protectant suitable for suede. Sprayen er usynlig, men efterlader et beskyttende lag på tasken, som hjælper med at afvise fugt, snavs og fedt. If you use your bag daily, we recommend using a spray protectant at least once every two weeks.



Please, do not expose your suede bag to direct sunlight or rain. The suede is delicate and will either fade in colour or the petite suede hair will become dull and flat.



We do not control the weather, and of course exposure cannot be avoided. In case of rain stains, please let the bag dry and do not rub. Når det er tørt, børstes de små ruskindshår forsigtigt op med en blød børste, og hårene hæver sig igen. Imprægner tasken på ny.


In case of dust, dirt or grease stains, try brushing gently first. We normally do not recommend a cleaner product, since it easily removes the colour too. However, if the stain cannot be removed, carefully use a damp soft cloth or cleaner product. It is always a good idea to test the product on a less visible spot on the bag, e.g. the strap beforehand.


Brug aldrig sæbe eller barske kemikalier.



Opbevar din lædertaske tørt og ved stuetemperatur i vores støvpose. Use the original stuffing to keep the shape of the bag.


Enough said – just enjoy wearing your new suede bag!